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There are many benefits to ...

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There are many benefits to using cloth swim nappies wetbag over conventional ones. Besides having a much better benefit to the environment by not adding to landfills, they provide many other benefits.

Cloth means you can reuse them, saving money and time shopping. If you are on a tight budget spending lots of money a week on disposables can be draining and costly. Cloth breathes better and is better for your child. It takes less energy to produce, less water and less waste.

Another benefit to reusables is that you cut out the chemicals! Disposables are made from chemicals, plastics and adhesives, whereas reusuables are mostly made from natural fabrics. These chemicals can affect your baby directly and indirectly. Directly this can cause irritation or rashes because your baby has super sensitive skin.

Lastly, you can be confident that you are making a more environmentally friendly selection by using a cloth swim nappy, it is better for the environment to produce, means you can reuse them and they don't end up filling landfills and then taking a long time to breakdown.

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